
In 2023, Keith Hioco and Mark Delany decided to turn their shared passion for art into an art gallery. The pair created Gallery Hioco Delany: an exhibition space for emerging artists in the Volkstraat, Antwerp.


Hioco Delany has a clear goal in mind: becoming an accessible stepping stone in the thriving art scene of Antwerp for both new artist at the beginning of their career as for established artist who find it hard to find footing in the Belgian art scene. Risk-taking and transparency are therefore central to the operation of the gallery. The informal and accessible approach of the gallery also ensures that new -and often first-time- buyers are attracted to the market. 


Hioco Delany is continuously looking for new national and international talents that seek to develop their practice in a pure and raw manner, beyond the commercial. Every six weeks the gallery curates a new exhibition. All forms of contemporary art are welcome at Hioco Delany.