Lindsey Bull (b.1979) lives and works in Manchester, UK. She has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally with recent solo exhibitions including her first museum exhibition Mirror at Huddersfield art gallery, UK (2022) and Posture at ALLCITY gallery, New York (2022). She has been included in many high-profile group exhibitions including The Power to Dream, Hussenot gallery, Paris (2022), Two Rooms, Bo Lee and Workman, Bruton, UK (2022), Love is the Devil, Marlborough Gallery, London (2022), John Moores Painting Prize, Liverpool, UK (2021) and British Painting, Space K, Seoul (2019).

She has received many prizes and awards including Atlantic Centre for the Arts Residency (2018), Elizabeth Greenshields Grant Award (2017), Liverpool Biennial Associate Artist Award (2016-18), Red Mansion Art Prize(2010) and Brenda Landon Pye Prize (2009). She is included in the publication The Anomie Review of Contemporary British Painting, Anomie, Matt, P (2018). Her work is in prestigious public and private collections internationally